About this electronic notebook

This is a simple example of setting up an electronic lab notebook using blogdown and the static site generator hugo.

The theme used it this example is a slightly modified version of temple, which is a minimal, distraction free theme suitable for electronic notebooking (in my opinion). If interested, you can find a large list of hugo themes here: https://themes.gohugo.io/

The overall setup here involves each notebook entry (post) to be assigned at least one category, i.e. Experiment, Reading, Writing. All entries will then be grouped under these headings at the top of the page. The ‘home’ page of the notebook contains all recent entries, with the most recent date first. Entries can also be tagged (i.e. R, regression, analysis, literature, …) which allows further refinement in terms of grouping posts and searching for specfic topics.

electronic lab notebook
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