| tags: [ Data Cleaning Genomic Data Linux PLINK ] categories: [Coding Experiments ]

Generating stats for merged data and extracting data for NIES


Now that the merge has been successful and there should no longer be duplicated individuals, general stats need to be performed on the merged data set. Subsequently, the final step to this data prep and cleaning is to extract data for the NIES individuals only.

Methods and Results

Note: Most processes up until the merge from the previous entry was performed on taurus. I transferred filtered_merge to local directory. These stat tests will be performed locally. ###1. Generate allele freq stats

plink --bfile plink_output/filtered_merge --freq --out plink_output/merge_allele_freq

2. Load allele freq file

merged_allele_freq <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_allele_freq.frq', header = T)

##   CHR         SNP A1 A2      MAF NCHROBS
## 1   1  rs62637813  C  G 0.125000     104
## 2   1 rs146477069  G  A 0.009804     102
## 3   1 rs141149254  A  G 0.031250      64
## 4   1   rs2462492  T  C 0.425900      54
## 5   1 rs143174675  G  T 0.009091     110
## 6   1   rs3091274  C  A 0.000000     110

3. Generate histogram for allele freq distributions

hist(merged_allele_freq$MAF, main = "Allele Frequency Distributions of Merged Data", xlab = "Minor Allele Frequency", xlim = c(0.0, 0.5), col = "plum2")

4. Generate missingness statistics

plink1.9 --bfile plink_output/filtered_merge --missing --out plink_output/merged_missing
merged_missing_snp <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_missing.lmiss', header = T)

##   CHR         SNP N_MISS N_GENO  F_MISS
## 1   1  rs62637813     64    520 0.12310
## 2   1 rs146477069    115    520 0.22120
## 3   1 rs141149254    264    520 0.50770
## 4   1   rs2462492    295    520 0.56730
## 5   1 rs143174675     34    520 0.06538
## 6   1   rs3091274     24    520 0.04615
merged_missing_indiv <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_missing.imiss', header = T)

## 1   1 110050          Y 243446 9155053 0.02659
## 2   1 110110          Y 278192 9155053 0.03039
## 3   1 110130          Y 267987 9155053 0.02927
## 4   1 110150          Y 250349 9155053 0.02735
## 5   1 110160          Y 235054 9155053 0.02567
## 6   1 110320          Y 277136 9155053 0.03027

5. Generate hardy-weinberg statistics

plink1.9 --bfile plink_output/filtered_merge --hardy --out plink_output/merged_hardy
#merged_hardy <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_hardy.hwe', header = T)


6. Filter out variants based on HWE p-value

plink1.9 --bfile plink_output/filtered_merge --hwe 1.8e-7 --make-bed --out plink_output/merged_hwe_filter

Note: unlike previous attempts at generating stats before merging, I did not use a HWE p-val filter before merging this data set. Note: this creates a new file set

Output: - 1897 variants were excluded based on hwe p-val - 9,153,156 variants remain - warning: hwe observation counts vary by more than 10%

7. Check allele freq stats after filtering

plink1.9 --bfile plink_output/merged_hwe_filter --freq --out plink_output/merge_hwefilter_freq

8. Load allele freq file

merged_hwefilter_freq <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merge_hwefilter_freq.frq', header = T)

9. Generate histogram of allele freq distributions

hist(merged_hwefilter_freq$MAF, main = "Allele Frequency Distributions of Merged Data after HWE filtering", xlab = "Minor Allele Frequency", xlim = c(0.0, 0.5), col = "peachpuff")

10. Load spreadsheet with NI study participants

ni_ped_uuid <- read.csv('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/NI_UUID_Ped_20180718.csv', header = T) 

##     UUID Ped_ID LAB_ID  PID  SID NIES KCCGID Gender        DOB IN_2000
## 1 110020     NA   1002 <NA> <NA> <NA>   <NA> Female  5/16/1929       1
## 2 110030     NA   1003 <NA> <NA> <NA>   <NA> Female  5/23/1928       1
## 3 110040   3676   1004 <NA> <NA> <NA>   <NA> Female  2/08/1959       1
## 4 110050    765   1005 <NA> <NA> <NA>   <NA>   Male 11/07/1954       1
## 5 110080     NA   1008 <NA> <NA> <NA>   <NA> Female 10/07/1933       1
## 6 110090     NA   1009 <NA> <NA> <NA>   <NA> Female 10/08/1968       1
## 1           71       0           80       0       79         0         0
## 2           72       0           81       0       80         0         0
## 3           41       0           50       0       49         0         0
## 4           46       0           55       0       54         0         1
## 5           67       0           76       0       75         0         0
## 6           32       0           41       0       40         0         0
## 1         0          0        1              0              0         0
## 2         0          0        1              0              0         0
## 3         0          0        1              0              0         0
## 4         1          1        1              1              0         1
## 5         0          0        1              0              0         0
## 6         0          0        1              0              0         0
## 1        0         0          0        0        0         1
## 2        0         0          0        0        0         1
## 3        0         0          0        0        0         1
## 4        0         0          1        0        0         1
## 5        0         0          0        0        0         1
## 6        0         0          0        0        0         1
##   Relation.to.NIHS.Pedigree..n.6379. patID matID Ped_Gender isParent
## 1                               <NA>    NA    NA       <NA>       NA
## 2                               <NA>    NA    NA       <NA>       NA
## 3                               <NA>    NA    NA       <NA>       NA
## 4                               <NA>   764   762       Male    FALSE
## 5                               <NA>    NA    NA       <NA>       NA
## 6                               <NA>    NA    NA       <NA>       NA

11. Isolate all NIES individuals using “NIES” column, and all NIES indivs with sequencing data using “GWAS_NIES” column

gwas_niesID <- read.csv('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/gwas_niesID.csv', header = F)

##       V1
## 1 312481
## 2 311020
## 3 255711
## 4 321130
## 5 232110
## 6 253810

There are 363 NIES individuals that may have sequencing data identified from the spreadsheet. This list was also converted to .txt to be compatible with PLINK.

13. Check allele frequencies of this final data set

plink1.9 --bfile merged_nies --freq --out plink_output/merged_nies_allele_freq

14. Load allele freq file

merged_nies_allele_freq <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_nies_allele_freq.frq', header = T)

##   CHR         SNP A1 A2      MAF NCHROBS
## 1   1  rs62637813  C  G 0.014330     628
## 2   1 rs146477069  G  A 0.003497     572
## 3   1 rs141149254  A  G 0.063580     346
## 4   1   rs2462492  T  C 0.155400     296
## 5   1 rs143174675  G  T 0.002994     668
## 6   1   rs3091274  C  A 0.000000     690

15. Generate histogram for allele frequency distributions

hist(merged_nies_allele_freq$MAF, main = "Allele Frequency Distributions of NIES Data", xlab = "Minor Allele Frequency", xlim = c(0.0, 0.5), col = "lightskyblue1")

16. Check missingness rates

plink1.9 --bfile merged_nies --missing --out plink_output/merged_nies_missing
merged_nies_imissing <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_nies_missing.imiss', header = T)

## 1   1 110150          Y  250197 9153156 0.02733
## 2   1 110160          Y  234913 9153156 0.02566
## 3   1 110500          Y  320553 9153156 0.03502
## 4   1 110650          Y  284393 9153156 0.03107
## 5   1 110820          Y  253220 9153156 0.02766
## 6   1 111280          Y 2841898 9153156 0.31050
merged_nies_lmissing <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/merged_nies_missing.lmiss', header = T)

##   CHR         SNP N_MISS N_GENO  F_MISS
## 1   1  rs62637813     47    361 0.13020
## 2   1 rs146477069     75    361 0.20780
## 3   1 rs141149254    188    361 0.52080
## 4   1   rs2462492    213    361 0.59000
## 5   1 rs143174675     27    361 0.07479
## 6   1   rs3091274     16    361 0.04432

17. The current data set should be filtered for missingness rates.

PLINK’s default parameters excludes individuals with >10% missing genotypes, and SNPs with >10% missing calls. According to literature, typical QC excludes individuals with >2-7% missing genotypes, and SNPs with >1-5% mising calls. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3061487/) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3025522/)

plink1.9 --bfile merged_nies --mind 0.1 --geno 0.05 --make-bed --out merged_nies_miss_filter

This filters out individuals with >10% missing genotypes and SNPs with >5% missing call rates. By doing so, 73 individuals and 1,357,838 variants were filtered out. The new data set contains: 288 individuals and 7,795,318 variants, with a total genotpying rate of 97.10% (this genotyping rate has increased from 91.68%).

This filtering step excluded more individuals and variants than I expected. The exlcuded individuals had missing genotyping rates ranging from 19 - 31%. However, due to the modest number of samples in this study, we are reluctant to exclude any individuals and will therefore not be using a filter for missing genotypes per sample.

18. Apply genotyping rate filter for SNPs.

plink1.9 --bfile merged_nies --geno 0.1 --make-bed --out merged_nies_miss_filter

This filters out 3,465,839 variants. The final data set includes 361 individuals and 5,687,317 variants with a total genotyping rate of 91.68%.

19. Check allele frequencies for this filtered data set

plink1.9 --bfile merged_nies_miss_filter --freq --out plink_output/nies_geno0.1_allele_freq

Output: - 361 individuals - 5,687,317 variants - total genotyping rate = 95.78%

20. Load allele frequency file

nies_geno0.1_freq <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/nies_geno0.1_allele_freq.frq', header = T)

##   CHR         SNP A1 A2      MAF NCHROBS
## 1   1 rs143174675  G  T 0.002994     668
## 2   1   rs3091274  C  A 0.000000     690
## 3   1 rs183209871  A  G 0.002801     714
## 4   1   rs4117992  T  C 0.000000     716
## 5   1  rs79114531  C  A 0.000000     716
## 6   1   rs2808353  G  A 0.000000     700

21. Generate histogram for allele frequency distribution

hist(nies_geno0.1_freq$MAF, main = "Allele Frequency Distributions of NIES Data Post-Geno Filtering", xlab = "Minor Allele Frequency", xlim = c(0.0, 0.5), col = "salmon1")

The allele frequency distribution of this filtered data set appears to retain roughly the same number of rare variants (MAR < 0.05). However, there is a noticeable change