| tags: [ Gaston GWAS R ] categories: [Coding Experiments ]

GWAS rerun MAF 0.05

## Loading required package: magicfor
## Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
## logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called 'magicfor'
## Loading required package: magrittr
## Loading required package: dplyr
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Loading required package: gaston
## Loading required package: Rcpp
## Loading required package: RcppParallel
## Attaching package: 'RcppParallel'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Rcpp':
##     LdFlags
## Gaston set number of threads to 2. Use setThreadOptions() to modify this.
## Attaching package: 'gaston'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     sigma
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     cbind, rbind
## Loading required package: qqman
## For example usage please run: vignette('qqman')
## Citation appreciated but not required:
## Turner, S.D. qqman: an R package for visualizing GWAS results using Q-Q and manhattan plots. biorXiv DOI: 10.1101/005165 (2014).
## Attaching package: 'qqman'
## The following object is masked from 'package:gaston':
##     manhattan
##load heritable pheno data

her_pheno24918 <- read.csv('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/nies_heritable_pheno240918.csv')
##     UUID R.K.value.V L.Pachimetry R.Cyl..pre.dilate. R.Pachimetry
## 1 219960       43.00          554               0.00          532
## 2 313180       42.25          612              -0.75          608
## 3 320511       43.50          512               0.00          499
## 4 400011       43.25          601              -0.25          602
## 5 400013       43.00          550              -0.25          552
## 6 316131       44.00          588              -1.00          583
##   totaluvafmm L.K.value.V R.CDR R.K.value.H L.CDR L.Axial.Length
## 1         0.0       43.50   0.9       42.00   0.9          24.10
## 2        74.4       42.00   0.9       41.25   0.7          25.21
## 3        27.5       42.50   0.4       42.50   0.4          23.65
## 4        47.0       43.25   0.6       42.50   0.6          23.34
## 5        20.1       43.00   0.4       43.00   0.4          22.70
## 6        12.9       43.50   0.3       42.75   0.3          23.54
##   R.Axial.Length L.AC.Depth R.AC.Depth L.K.value.H R.IOP.mmHg L.IOP.mmHg
## 1          24.31       3.03       3.09       42.50         14         14
## 2          25.02       3.92       3.38       41.50         16         15
## 3          23.37       3.08       3.29       42.00         17         18
## 4          23.32       3.83       3.81       42.75         15         17
## 5          22.93       3.13       3.22       42.75         18         18
## 6          23.49       3.04       3.24       43.00         12         12
##   coord.Dim.1 coord.Dim.4 coord.Dim.3 coord.Dim.8 coord.Dim.7 coord.Dim.2
## 1  -1.3318012   0.8399155  0.75849347  -1.0126837   2.8552892  -1.1948332
## 2  -3.7993478   2.0776045  0.41111735   0.3400838   2.2543673  -0.2657678
## 3  -0.4961408  -0.9796890 -0.62633667   0.1104747  -1.1828388  -0.9254222
## 4  -0.7904275   1.5424175 -1.18429936   1.5903830   2.2077992   0.3391719
## 5   0.4462229   0.4965415 -0.03864912  -0.2245313  -0.5839491  -1.7106022
## 6   0.2319576  -0.4216580  0.16696557  -0.8347539   1.1946733  -0.9769405
nies_covar <- read.csv('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/nies_covar.csv')
##     UUID Sex Age
## 1 219960   1  53
## 2 313180   1  55
## 3 320511   2  60
## 4 400011   1  23
## 5 400013   1  50
## 6 316131   2  77
##load genomic data
merged_nies_071118 <- read.bed.matrix("C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/merged_nies/merged_nies_geno071118.bed")
## Reading C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/merged_nies/merged_nies_geno071118.fam 
## Reading C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/merged_nies/merged_nies_geno071118.bim 
## Reading C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/merged_nies/merged_nies_geno071118.bed 
## ped stats and snps stats have been set. 
## 'p' has been set. 
## 'mu' and 'sigma' have been set.
##set GRM etc.
merged_nies_GRM <- GRM(merged_nies_071118)
merged_nies_eiK <- eigen(merged_nies_GRM)
merged_nies_eiK$values[ merged_nies_eiK$values < 0] <- 0
merged_nies_PC <- sweep(merged_nies_eiK$vectors, 2, sqrt(merged_nies_eiK$values), "*") #PCs = 2
#run GWAS with covariates
for (i in c(2:ncol(her_pheno24918))){
  pheno_colnames <- colnames(her_pheno24918[i])
  her_pheno_gwas <- association.test(merged_nies_071118, her_pheno24918[,i], X = nies_covar, method = "lmm", test = "lrt", K = merged_nies_GRM, eigenK = merged_nies_eiK, p =2)
  her_pheno_gwas <- na.omit(her_pheno_gwas)
  pheno_gwas_filtered <- her_pheno_gwas %>% filter(-log10(p)>1) %>% filter(freqA2 < 0.99)
  qqman::manhattan(x = pheno_gwas_filtered, chr = "chr", bp = "pos", p = "p", snp = "id", genomewideline = -log10(1.84e-7), main = paste(pheno_colnames), ylim = c(0,10))
## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

## Warning in trans.X(X, eigenK$vectors[, seq_len(p)], mean(Y)): An intercept
## column was added to the covariate matrix X

As expected, removing the rare and low frequency variants significantly reduced the number of significantly associated variants.

Interestingly, PCs 1,3, 4, and 8 still show associated variants as well as R Cyl, L ACD, and R ACD. Although these results are yet to be filtered to see whether they are well-supported peaks. In addition, the associated variants previously seen in R KVal V and UVAF were not identified in this round of analysis.