| tags: [ Data Cleaning Genomic Data Heritability PCA ] categories: [Coding Experiments ]
Using variants unfiltered for MAF for PCA and heritability analysis
Methods and Results
1. Run PCA with 20 PCs on unfiltered MAF data set
plink1.9 --bfile merged_nies/merged_nies_geno_210818 --pca 20 var-wts --out plink_output/nies_geno_pca261118
the merged_nies_geno_210818 contains the data set after HWE and missingness filters (contains 3.9 million variants).
20 PCs included. From the previous entry, it seemed that including 20PCs produced consistently higher heritability estimates than including 1 - 5 PC.
2. Generate PCA plots
Load .eigenvec file
nies_geno_eigenvec261118 <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/plink_output/nies_geno_pca261118.eigenvec', header = F)
Plot PC1 Vs PC2
plot(nies_geno_eigenvec261118$V3, nies_geno_eigenvec261118$V4, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", main = "PC1 vs PC2 eigenvectors")
3. Make GRM
./gcta64 --bfile merged_nies/merged_nies_geno_210818 --make-grm --out gcta_output/merged_nies_grm31218
4. Perform PCA with 20 PCs
./gcta64 --bfile merged_nies/merged_nies_geno_210818 --pca 20 --out gcta_output/merged_nies_pca31218
merged_nies_eigenvec31218 <- read.table('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/gcta_output/merged_nies_pca31218.eigenvec', header = F)
write.csv(merged_nies_eigenvec31218, 'C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/gcta_output/merged_nies_eigenvec31218.csv')
5. Estimate heritability of individual traits
for i in {1..27}
do ./gcta64 --reml --grm gcta_output/merged_nies_grm31218 --pheno nies_pheno_020918.txt --mpheno $i --reml-pred-rand --covar nies_sex_covar.txt --qcovar nies_cont_covar31218.txt --out gcta_output/heritability_031218/$i.est
6. Estimate heritability of principal components
for i in {1..9}
do ./gcta64 --reml --grm gcta_output/merged_nies_grm31218 --pheno pheno_pca_coord.txt --mpheno $i --reml-pred-rand --covar nies_sex_covar.txt --qcovar nies_cont_covar31218.txt --out gcta_output/heritability_031218/$i.pc.est
7. View heritability estimates
heritability_031218 <- read.csv('C:/Users/Martha/Documents/Honours/Project/honours.project/Data/gcta_output/heritability_031218/new_heritability31218.csv', header = F)
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
## 1 Trait h2 pval NA PC h2 pval
## 2 R.K.value.V 0.798 2.80E-09 NA 1 0.663 8.64E-07
## 3 totaluvafmm 0.687 1.47E-06 NA 4 0.49 8.80E-04
## 4 R.CDR 0.686 1.71E-06 NA 2 0.383 1.73E-02
## 5 L.Pachimetry 0.685 1.54E-05 NA 7 0.31 1.80E-02
## 6 R.Cyl..pre.dilate. 0.659 7.76E-08 NA 6 0.116 2.36E-01
## 7 L.K.value.V 0.657 4.03E-06 NA 8 0.084 2.72E-01
## 8 R.Pachimetry 0.639 3.79E-05 NA 3 0 5.00E-01
## 9 L.CDR 0.606 1.12E-04 NA 5 0 5.00E-01
## 10 R.K.value.H 0.581 1.99E-05 NA 9 0 5.00E-01
## 11 L.K.value.H 0.435 1.16E-03 NA
## 12 L.Axial.Length 0.409 4.05E-03 NA
## 13 R.Axial.Length 0.375 9.49E-03 NA
## 14 R.IOP.mmHg 0.302 3.38E-02 NA
## 15 L.AC.Depth 0.17 1.46E-01 NA
## 16 L.Axis..pre.dilate. 0.157 1.84E-01 NA
## 17 L.IOP.mmHg 0.157 1.76E-01 NA
## 18 R.AC.Depth 0.122 2.39E-01 NA
## 19 R.Axis..pre.dilate. 0.092 3.05E-01 NA
## 20 R.K.Value.H.Axis 0.083 3.37E-01 NA
## 21 R.Sph..pre.dilate. 0.025 4.47E-01 NA
## 22 R.Logmar.VA 0 5.00E-01 NA
## 23 L.Logmar.VA 0 5.00E-01 NA
## 24 L.Sph..pre.dilate. 0 5.00E-01 NA
## 25 L.Cyl..pre.dilate. 0 5.00E-01 NA
## 26 R.K.value.V.Axis 0 5.00E-01 NA
## 27 L.K.value.H.Axis 0 5.00E-01 NA
## 28 L.K.value.V.Axis 0 5.00E-01 NA
These heritability estimates are again different from the previous results. The differences are most likely due to the inclusion and exclusion of rare and low frequency variants.
American Journal of Human Genetics - for publishing paper PLOS Genetics